To read in sequence start with the June 16th post.
Below are the two same covers before the attempt to create some blend between them
The version below trends to the more traditional cover style. The background main image has been faded by 20%. It is no longer sharp and as bright as the original.
Fortunately, I have some graphic-design skills,
which enable me to create my own book covers. From the expense point of view,
that is huge saving when you consider the cost of having to rely and employ a
professional to do the job for you. I
find it far more rewarding producing the image that is in my heart and head
than second guessing what will be the finished product from a brief. I can also
directly induce into the image the experience from a very deep and personal
level which another cannot achieve. In this case, I lost my home and much of my
financial wealth to a prominent international property promoter, MacAnthony
Real-estate International (MRI). They produced through their salesman a
property investment plan that was designed only to reap for them over
exaggerated commissions. A farcical and disastrous
property investment plan (FaDPIP) was constructed on totally false information
and can be classed as criminal, fraudulent and extortion. I wish I could come
up with something better than FaDPIP, something which would roll off the tongue
in a more sensible way. I have tried several other combinations but have drawn
a blank. The depth of my experience, the lies, deceit and corruption produce an
internal impact which I have tried in some way to express the intensity in the
cover graphics. If I have not succeeded in that, then maybe I did succeed in
portraying the lethal consequences of the investment property industry, that is the damage it can
inflict on the unwary.
Sometimes I want to create something I
just do not have the skill to achieve, after many failed attempts I settle for
a secondary solution, but the end product always ends up Oh LaLa, that’s if you
use the right version of Oh LaLa to mean "Um Yes!” Because I have more
than one idea in my head this then requires the creation of multiple cover
choices, which in a strange way can change the title to the book. I then have to
go through an elimination process to find a happy medium. I will give you an
example shortly, but generally I have come up with the title first from the
books intended content, and then create the book cover around that. On
occasion, I have abandoned one idea outright after hours of work, even after
days of pondering over it, dissatisfied start again from scratch, such does the
process demand sometimes.
Once the idea has gelled the next stage
is to create all the elements that will make up the finished image. That mostly
entails web searches, filtering through as many as required until I feel I have
a sufficient stock to complete my project. I also have a vast stock on my hard
drive and purchased disc collections for this very purpose. Once collected in a
purposely created folder, so they can easily be accessed, it is time to open
Photoshop, Fireworks and other programs that allow me to produce all the
elements and then collate in one program. I have a reasonable command of
Photoshop, no expert, but with enough knowledge of filters, blend modes and
most of the tools. I can produce a reasonable end product. The Internet is always
at hand to quiz Google, “How do I do this in Photoshop?” Just like waving a
magic wand a platter of links to tutorials is at my disposal in seconds.
I have not taken a conventional approach
to the finished covers. Firstly, I have not inserted my name as traditionally
done as the author on the front. I am an unknown; my name is not going to mean
diddlysquat to anybody. It is not an enticement that can be related to that
this will be a good read. So it is modestly placed on the inside cover leaving
more space and to make more prominent, in the case of Burning Down The Bricks, some
profound comment about the internal content and issues of the book.
Traditionally, the front and back covers
blend into a colour and image match scheme. Not with BDTB, I treat each as a distinct
piece of canvas detached from each other. That produces two completely unlike graphics
that will most likely not blend in anyway. If you flip front to back cover you
could be reading two absolutely different books. Apart from the textual
content, which is the one element that glaringly gives away, this is a front cover;
this is a rear cover. I have abused the back cover in this instance with more
profound comments instead of the normal review type paragraphs one conventional
finds. If BDTB ever goes to print, then I will have to yield to customary norms
and move my offending comments to the inside. Then produce the required type-bolstering
text to replace it, hoping to entice one in to read and buy. The front and back
covers were so distinct in contrast that after much consideration, I did tone
the rear cover to some degree to make it blend with the front.
Below you can see the completed covers
and the attempt to blend from one into the other over the spine of the book. Not
so much of a smooth transition but a staggered leap. The fire element of the
back cover was introduced later to tone a reddish, orangey overlay to blend
with the front. The introduction of fire also gives an extra dynamic to the
image statement, as well as continuing the idea through from the fore cover.
Below are the two same covers before the attempt to create some blend between them
The version below trends to the more traditional cover style. The background main image has been faded by 20%. It is no longer sharp and as bright as the original.
There are only four
main images in the completed work. The same fire image overlays both covers, a
wall with bricks missing out of the centre for the front and a pile of bricks, which
makes up the back cover. If you look carefully enough at the front cover, top centre,
the image of a house can be seen. This was my home in Northern Ireland, a
detached three-bedroom home and I had no mortgage. Four currency images, the
dollar, Euro, yen and sterling are manipulated to grace sides of the pile of
bricks. The lot is shoved into Photoshop, blended, resized, cropped and
subjected to filters and different tools. Next are some of those individual elements. The
house image has already been subject to some editing, as has the bricks image.
The whole image is projecting
destruction, the fire, the wall with the hole in it, the pile of bricks. The
currency notes represent the loss of capital wealth through fraudulent property
investment; I literally end up with nothing, a pile of junk bricks. So from the
front cover, a complete house and when the back is reached, total destruction has
occurred, stripping of home and wealth.
The text compliments the image by revealing
how this occurred, fraudulent property investment advice, the nature of those
concerned projected as vultures and heartless. It further proclaims the major contributor to
bringing this about, MacAnthony Real-estate International, a company ran by
Daragh MacAnthony. Even though the whole company name has not been inserted, it
will be understood by others who have had dealings with it. To those who will be
scratching their heads wondering who MacAnthony is, then by making the
association with, decadent nature, vultures, heartless, homeowner to homeless,
it is hoped will be enough to stimulate the inquisitive to open the book and
find out.
I have on the back cover, which may only
remain in the digital versions, used other ways through the text to express the
deceitful nature of this corporate body. If Burning Down The Bricks ever goes to
print, then this will be moved to an inside page and a traditional formatting favoured
as in the example. This may not include the graphic changes, only the text, that
will have to wait until it actually happens to see which will be favoured.
To finish Everything Not Between The
Covers, I mentioned developing different cover designs and how those ideas could
change the title to the book, even though the internal content remained the
same. You can get the understanding of this from the two examples below. Tough choices
have to be made; it is tempting to want to use Punching MacLies. Stomping on
the Investors is a general statement about the overall fraudulent nature of the
international property investment industry; it makes no relation to any one
particular company, not even to the one that was responsible for my disastrous
MacLies by the way, is a nickname given
to Mr MacAnthony by those he has done wrong.
It came from his inability to tell the truth over a long period while
trying to recover stolen investments by his victims. I have inserted this because it gives a
clearer perspective of how many view this man, and in my opinion, he has justly
earned it. He has lied through his
company with the false property investments they advised to me and have never
attempted to correct that error.
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